Friday, July 19, 2013

Study/Work Abroad

If you've been thinking about studying abroad and you're not sure how to do it, or you have questions, talk to me! I was recently able to help a student set up a study abroad experience in Florida for one month.

From what he said, the experience was life changing. He studied English every day in the morning and in the afternoon, he was on his own to explore the city and visit tourist attractions. His English classes were really good and he was in a group with 10 other ESL students from all over the world from including France, Japan, Switzerland and countries all over Latin America. He enjoyed a homestay experience where he had a family to speak with in English every day and he said his favorite attraction was the Universal Studios theme park! He told me that the experience really helped with his listening skills and that now he can understand just about everything he hears in English. When I spoke to him the other day for the first time since he got back, I noticed his speaking skills really improved.

Contact me if you're interested in having a similar experience! There are programs occuring all over the world with excellent professional opportunities for you to work, travel, and study abroad! I'll put you in touch with the right people to take care of everything and offer you a great program at the right price.

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