Thursday, July 25, 2013

Some things I've learned this week...

My students are teaching me new things all the time and this week is no different.  Here are some of the important things I've learned this week:

If you want to speak  better, listen more!
If you want to write better, read more!

Google 'hangout' is a great way to have a conference call.  I'm looking at this method to provide 'online' classes for some groups.  Does anyone have experience with Google hangout?  Do you find it works better than Skype?  I'm curious about this technology.

Successful companies often don't compare themselves to their competition.  In fact, many times, their competition is irrelevant.  What then, do successful companies focus on?  They focus on uncontested market space, they focus on areas in the market where there is no competition, and they make strategic moves in order to get out of the race against competition and into an area in the market where they are able to measure their success not by comparing themselves to their competitors, but by adding value for their customers! 
.....More to come on this subject soon!  I find it about you?

It hasn't been this cold in Curitiba for years!!

What have you learned this week?

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