Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What goes around comes around

"What goes around comes around."

What does it mean?

Basically, it means that what you do in life, whether positive or negative, comes back to you.  It may or may not come back to you in the same form as you expressed it, however, it will most certainly come back to you.  

So, watch your actions and pay attention to your words because what you say and do, will come back to you.  

Good advice right?

When thinking about this concept, I'm reminded of  the First Law of Thermodynamics which states:  

"The total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed." 

Basically, we are what we say and we say what we are.  What we say affects us just as our actions affect us.  Make Sense?

Many artists have created music based on this concept.

Justin Timberlake wrote a song about this:

Even Bob Marley wrote about this:

So, be careful what you say and be careful about your actions because what goes around comes around.


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